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A mostrar mensagens de agosto, 2006

log entry: poema à mãe

No mais fundo de ti, eu sei que traí, mãe. Tudo porque já não sou o menino adormecido no fundo dos teus olhos. Tudo porque tu ignoras que há leitos onde o frio não se demora e noites rumorosas de águas matinais. Por isso, às vezes, as palavras que te digo são duras, mãe, e o nosso amor é infeliz. Tudo porque perdi as rosas brancas que apertava junto ao coração no retrato da moldura. Se soubesses como ainda amo as rosas, talvez não enchesses as horas de pesadelos. Mas tu esqueceste muita coisa; esqueceste que as minhas pernas cresceram, que todo o meu corpo cresceu, e até o meu coração ficou enorme, mãe! Olha - queres ouvir-me? - às vezes ainda sou o menino que adormeceu nos teus olhos; ainda aperto contra o coração rosas tão brancas como as que tens na moldura; ainda oiço a tua voz: Era uma vez uma princesa no meio de um laranjal... Mas - tu sabes - a noite é enorme, e todo o meu corpo cresceu. Eu saí da moldura, dei às aves os meus olhos a beber. Não me esqueci de nada, mãe. Guardo a ...

log entry: some george bush gaffes

- "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" - "If a frog had wings, he wouldn't hit his tail on the ground. Too hypothetical." - "When I need a little advice about Saddam Hussein, I turn to country music." - "It's no exaggeration to say the undecideds could go one way or another." - "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case." - "Fluency in English is something that I'm often not accused of." - "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." - "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family" - "I've coined new words, like misunderstanding and Hispanically"

log entry: sidegrade project by the book

Self-Sufficient Housing 1st Advanced Architecture Contest "Created for students and professionals to inspire changes in how new buildings are designed and constructed, the program challenges participants to design a self-sufficient and ecologically oriented dwelling. In the early 20th Century, the concept of “dwelling” was defined as a “machine for living”, a reference to a new way of understanding the construction of inhabitable spaces that characterized the Machine Age. Today, a century later, we face the challenge of constructing a sustainable or even self-sufficient dwelling, now a living organism that interacts with its environment, exchanging resources, and which functions as an entirely self-sufficient entity. The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia publishes here a selection of entries presented during the 1st Advanced Architecture Contest: Self-Sufficient Housing." Sidegrade Project, made by AND-RE + ricardo ...