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You have 5 seconds to tell me the name of the 2012 Pritzker prized architect

You have Pritzkers and you have... Pretzels. You have Jewish Pretzel and you have Chinese Pritzker. No obvious relation here, but then again, this certainly won´t be an obvious line of thought.
Pretzel is Jewish food, and Pritzker is a prized architect. The last pritzker on the table is Chinese and the last pretzel on the table is still Jewish. No relation there either... But, sometimes, Jewish related business is often political, and, in a wild assumption, architecture is political too. Or perhaps, for the sake of political correctness argument: architecture is often politicized...
Another big difference is that Pretzels are largely known around the globe. The last Chinese awarded with the Pritzker prize is not. Every architect I know, and I know allot of them, didn’t had a clue who the hell is Wang Shu. This can mean one of two things: or this guy was dough from a whole by political reasons, or it tells something about the poor quality of my friends and their lack of general cultural knowledge. Probably is the second, a category in wish I include myself.
But this is doubtful and raises questions, because all my friends, unfortunately, are architects... This also tells allot about me. What remains a bite confusing is that every architect is usually cultured enough to, at least, had heard the name of any architect that has the slight relevance for being considered "Pritzerkable". This happens because architects, has everyone knows, don´t have a proper life beyond the walls of the discipline in which they bare all of the time life has given to them. Architects only talk about architecture or anything that is related to it. I still don´t know if this is kind of a religion. I believe that architecture possesses something mystical, but if it is an actual religion, then a relation with Jewish Pretzels can finally be made. If in fact architecture is a religion for architects, beware because they could be dangerous fundamentalists. And since they (I’m writing in the third person trying unsuccessfully to distance myself from that clan, a bit because of self pity and shame) only talk about it, it is very strange that the name Wang Shu could mean Chinese food for them. Ops, another possible Pritzker-Pretzel relation...
I don´t mean to take any credit out of Wang Shu, primarily because I can´t, in intellectual honesty, take credit from someone of whom I don´t know more than what google allowed me to know... But still this thing seems very blurry to me. 
Well, now I’m hungry... I thing Im going to eat a Pritzker with noodles and fried dog.
Uí tóu jiàn people (I googletranslated for “see you later”…)


Anónimo disse…
Entre as obras mais conhecidas de Souto Moura, destacam-se, além do Estádio Municipal de Braga, a Casa das Histórias em Cascais, a Casa das Artes no Porto, a Estação de Metro da Trindade, o Centro de Arte Contemporânea de Bragança, o Hotel do Bom Sucesso em Óbidos, o Mercado da Cidade de Braga, a Marginal de Matosinhos-Sul, o Crematório de Kortrijk (Bélgica), o Pavilhão de Portugal na 11ª Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza (Itália)ou a Casa Llabia (Espanha)... Será este arquitecto (re)conhecido entre os arquitectos chineses (ou outros) como o exemplo de arquitecto que reúne em si todas as condições merecedoras de um prémio Pritzker (sem lhe querer tirar o mérito)?Agora já todos conhecem Wang Shu.Não terá sido quase sempre assim?!

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